Covid-19 Rules

AYLESFORD BADMINTON CLUB /COVID-19 proposed resumption : Sept 2020

Great news!  We can return to playing badminton from Wednesday 2nd September (so long as there are no new or renewed restrictions nationally or locally).  Badminton England, the governing body for the sport, has agreed with the government that playing can re-start in indoor halls, and Aylesford School have re-opened bookings for the sports hall from next term.

But the virus hasn’t gone away, and we must take precautions to minimise the risk for all of us and our families.  We hope you’ll co-operate fully with these, as they’ll be a condition of our use of the sports hall and of your playing there.  The chief points (based on requirements and guidance by Badminton England and the School) are:

  • You must not come to the hall if you have any symptoms of the Covid-19 virus, or have been in contact with anyone who does.
  • Only active players may attend the Club sessions during the current situation – unfortunately this means no non-playing visitors.
  • We may keep a register of who attends at each session for contact tracing purposes.
  • Parking will be in the main car park only.
  • The changing rooms will be out of use.
  • There will be 2 toilets available, accessible only from outside.
  • The School will be carrying out extra cleaning, and we will do our own cleaning of equipment. 
  • Players will be expected to wash or sanitise their hands between games (sanitiser will be provided).
  • Shuttles may be shared amongst players on each court, but racquets must not be shared.
  • There will be no handshakes or other personal contact.
  • While not actively playing on court we must all observe social distancing rules.

That looks like a lot of rules, but we’ve become used to many of them already, and they shouldn’t be too difficult to follow if everyone co-operates.

One further thing to note is that the insurance we buy via the School covers only injury or accident – neither the Club nor the School will take any responsibility should anyone attending Club sessions contract Covid-19.  We may ask you to sign a form agreeing to that.